Irwin Christmas Photo

Irwin Christmas Photo

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Our Chinese Mini-van

We bought a 'san lun che'!!!!  Translated it means a three wheel car. Also translated as awesome!  Really it is an three seater, electric moped. 

Philip is the brave soul that dares the Chinese roads. Although in my personal opinion driving our car is actually less dangerous than a bicycle and only slightly more dangerous than walking lol. I've only driven in neighborhood. Philip says he's not comfortable with me on roads yet. Not sure if its because I regularly refer to it my race cart or if its because I often panic when only walking across the street haha. My other thoughts from the backseat: I don't get to snuggle husband close like a motorcycle, but it is more family friendly. We call it our chinese minivan. 

Seriously, it has been WONDERFUL! One of the only reservations about our new apartment is that we were a bit further away from the main drag where we do shopping. When carrying babies and groceries, a little ways can make a big difference. We love having our sweet ride! And there is a storage area under the seat!

Also, finding taxis can be really difficult in our city! I have been feeling increasingly afraid that I will be roaming the streets in labor looking for a taxi. Now, worst case scenario, we will pull into the hospital on the bike! :) And my security blanket came at a real bargain. A family was moving away and sold it to us for only about $75! Now that is a deal!

Bella loves to go for rides! (Don't worry Mommy always holds her when in motion). 

Bella NEVER liked to fall asleep in her car seat. But mommy's lap in the chinese minivan not bad.