Irwin Christmas Photo

Irwin Christmas Photo

Care Packages

We have recently had a few people express an interest in sending us packages from home. It is always nice to receive special treats from home. If you would like to bless our family in this way, I have included a list of several things that are not available here that we either weren't able to bring or that would make nice treats. I will update the list if we receive items or add as the cravings hit. Please email me at for our address and mailing instructions.

Grippo Spice Powder
BabyBam Seasoning
Ranch Seasoning Packets
Air Freshners - The kind that clip onto your car vent, we like fruity smells
Infant Tylenol
Infant Ibuprofen
Tropical Punch Kool Aid Packets
Sweet tarts (Ashleigh)
Sprees (Ashleigh)
Cheez-its (Ashleigh)
Reese Pieces (Philip)
Werthers Candy (Philip)
Pop Tarts (Philip)
Toys - Anything sesame street - (Bella)
Cereal (Bella)

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