Bella has been able to climb her way out of the pack n play since she was about 12 months old. We have been on the fence for months now about when to move her over to a 'big girl bed'. I know there is a safety issue when they are able to climb over the sides of the crib. And I totally agree, which is why that little Turkey ended up in Mommy and Daddy's bed a lot since we weren't able to let her cry it out at all. However, 16 months seems so young! And I look at that tiny little girl and see my baby, not a growing toddler ready for a big bed!
With Emma's arrival getting closer and closer, I would have to put my denial aside and think pragmatically about this. All the parenting books say that any changes should happen several months before a new baby joins the family or wait until several months after. That makes sense. We needed to decide to buy another crib or go for it and pass along the crib to little sister.
We went for it!! Philip and I had this 'strategic parenting move' of letting her sleep on just the mattress for a few nights first. By 'strategic parenting move' I mean we totally just didn't have time to put the bed together for a few days, but it turned out to be a great transition period.
Only inches from the ground, Bella would roll off at night without waking up. We would find her completely asleep on the floor on the other side of the room. By night three, she sleep on her mattress all through the night without rolling off.
Time to put the bed together! Bella was a big helper assisting Daddy with the tools.
Whew, a hard working girl can really work up a sweat! After her first project, Bella started 'working' on all kinds of things. She likes to hammer!
Bella in her big girl bed! She does a great job staying in her bed and sleeping through the night.
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