Irwin Christmas Photo

Irwin Christmas Photo

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Day at the Zoo

 Today was Bella's first trip to the zoo! The weather was perfect and it was so much fun to spend the day as a family! Our city has a great zoo! It only cost us about $3 per ticket and they had so many animals to see. I'm not sure if American animals are just lazy or if we just hit the zoo at the right time, but I've never seen the animals so active! So much fun to watch!

 Bella really likes dinosaurs right now. Not sure if thats why, but she decided to growl at all the big animals. So silly, sweet girl!

 Seeing the zebras reminded us of Marty from Madagascar. Mommy and Daddy singing the madagascar songs made Bella laugh.

 Bella and this monkey were good friends. As strange as it sounds, the monkeys all seemed to pay special attention to us, especially Bella. We wondered if we looked different to them.

Bella loves animals! It was so much fun watching all her reactions. Bella started imitating the animals - not only the sounds, but also what they were doing. I haven't been to the zoo with very many little people, maybe its totally normal, but I found it fascinating. Below she is trying to chew like a goat and then playing with her hair like a monkey. 

We also all got kisses from the seal! Bella got her kiss first. I think it startled her a little bit. Then it was Daddy's turn. 

One of Bella's favorite parts of the zoo was feeding the animals. Bella loved feeding the camels!

And also the reindeer. I don't know, maybe she is hoping to score some points with Santa. ;)

1 comment:

Lifefullyloaded said...

So nice to see you having fun at the zoo! It makes us look forward to when you are stateside and going to the Cincinnati Zoo. Bella making animal noises reminds me of her Daddy when he was little- a favorite thing of his to do! Great pictures!
Love you all!